Telehealth Physical Therapy Is Here To Stay & Offers Great Benefit For Many People In Pain


Telehealth physical therapy is becoming an increasingly popular option for patients with spine pain, and there are several reasons why this approach can be effective. Here are some key data and research findings that highlight the benefits of telehealth physical therapy for spine pain:

  1. Increased accessibility: One of the main benefits of telehealth physical therapy is that it can increase accessibility to care, especially for patients who live in rural or remote areas or who have mobility limitations. Research shows that telehealth physical therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy for improving outcomes in patients with chronic low back pain (1).

  2. Convenience: Telehealth physical therapy can also be more convenient for patients, as it eliminates the need for travel to a physical therapy clinic. A study of patients with chronic low back pain found that telehealth physical therapy was associated with greater patient satisfaction and improved functional outcomes compared to in-person therapy (2).

  3. Cost savings: Telehealth physical therapy can also result in cost savings for patients and healthcare systems, as it reduces the need for expensive in-person visits and transportation costs. A systematic review of telehealth physical therapy for patients with chronic low back pain found that it was associated with cost savings for both patients and healthcare systems (3).

  4. Similar outcomes to in-person therapy: Research has shown that telehealth physical therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy for patients with spine pain. A randomized controlled trial of telehealth physical therapy for patients with chronic low back pain found that it was just as effective as in-person therapy for improving pain and disability (4).

In conclusion, telehealth physical therapy is a great option for patients with spine pain, as it can increase accessibility to care, provide greater convenience, result in cost savings, and produce similar outcomes to in-person therapy. As telehealth technology continues to improve, it is likely that telehealth physical therapy will become an increasingly important component of spine pain management.

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  1. Cottrell MA, Galea OA, O'Leary SP, Hill AJ, Russell TG. Real-time telerehabilitation for the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions is effective and comparable to standard practice: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical rehabilitation. 2017 Apr;31(5):625-38.
  2. Cottrell MA, Russell TG. Telehealth for musculoskeletal physiotherapy: A systematic review. Musculoskeletal care. 2016 Mar 1;14(1):3-14.
  3. Rasmussen H, Holtermann A, Jørgensen MB, Søgaard K, Sjøgaard G. A systematic review of cost-effectiveness of physical therapy interventions for musculoskeletal conditions. BMC health services research. 2012 Dec;12(1):1-8.
  4. Hilton L, Akeroyd J, Gu W, Li T, Owen-Smith A, Cheville A, et al. Telerehabilitation for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of general internal medicine. 2020 Apr 1;35(4):1102-10.