Level Up Your Employee Benefits, The Idea of Adding Injury Prevention Is A Good One.

Author: Dr. Stephen Fose, PT, Cert. MDT, CSCS, Owner of Retrieve Physical Therapy in Rochester NY in the Spencerport Village. We specialize in physical therapy for the spine and arthritic joints, as well as provide individualized wellness services to small and medium sized business. Reach out to us at info@retrievept.com for more information.


In recent years, many companies have started to invest in workplace and corporate wellness for their employees to promote the health and wellbeing of their employees. These programs have been shown to have many benefits, including reducing the number of workman compensation payouts and improving OSHA ratings. In this blog post, we'll explore why corporate wellness as a part of your employee benefits program will help your company success.

First and foremost, implementing wellness programs can reduce the number of workman compensation payouts a company has to make. Workman compensation payouts occur when an employee is injured on the job and is unable to work. These payouts can be a major financial burden for companies, as they are often required to pay for medical expenses and lost wages for the injured employee. In NY state, the average workmans compensation claim averaging over $43,000 per claim. 

Wellness programs and physical therapy can help prevent injuries from occurring in the first place. By offering these services to your employees, companies can help identify potential injuries and address them before they become more serious. For example, if an employee is experiencing back pain, a physical therapist can work with them to develop exercises and stretches that can help alleviate their pain and prevent it from becoming a more serious injury.

In addition to reducing workman compensation payouts, physical therapy programs can also improve a company's OSHA rating. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal agency that is responsible for setting and enforcing safety standards in the workplace. Companies that have high OSHA ratings are viewed as being safer and more responsible employers.

Corporate wellness programs can help improve a company's OSHA rating in several ways. First, physical therapists can help identify potential safety hazards in the workplace and work with employees to develop strategies for avoiding them. This can include things like proper lifting techniques or ergonomics training to prevent repetitive strain injuries.

On-site fitness programs can also help improve a company's bottom line. Employees who are healthy and active are less likely to miss work due to illness or injury. This can help reduce the amount of sick time taken by employees, which can in turn reduce the amount of lost productivity and revenue for the company.

Ergonomics is another important aspect of workplace health and safety. Ergonomics is the study of how people interact with their work environment, and how to optimize that environment to reduce the risk of injury and increase productivity. By implementing ergonomic strategies in the workplace, companies can reduce the risk of injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, and other repetitive strain injuries.

Ergonomic strategies can include things like adjustable desks and chairs, proper keyboard and mouse placement, and regular breaks to prevent eye strain and muscle fatigue. By implementing these strategies, companies can help reduce the risk of injury and increase productivity, which can ultimately lead to increased profits.

In conclusion, corporate wellness as an employee benefit program can be important for company success and continued growth. These programs can help reduce the number of workman compensation payouts, improve OSHA ratings, and promote the health and wellbeing of employees. By investing in these programs, companies can create a safer and more productive work environment, protect against an aging workforce, which can ultimately lead to increased profits and success by reducing the bottom line and decrease workman compensation payouts.

If you are a business owner in Rochester NY, head of HR and operations, or in charge of workman compensation claims or on-site services, please Click Here to schedule a call and see how we can help. If you are dealing with symptoms similar to your employees, we encourage you to schedule treatment for yourself, so you can understand what's different between Retrieve Physical Therapy and other companies that staff independent contractors. We also offer a free on-site visit to make sure our services would be a good fit for your business and return positive ROI to your company.

You can reach Retrieve Physical Therapy at (585) 300-4940 or by email at stephenfose@retrievept.com